What's Inflation?

When the prices of gas, food, rent, and many other necessities start to rise, it can be difficult to explain to children what's happening. They may struggle to understand why the family suddenly has to be more careful with money or why there isn't a simple way to fix inflation. The more knowledge children have of how the world works, the easier it is to face uncertainty. Through age-appropriate text, augmented by engaging fact boxes and informative graphic organizers, this volume aims to give young readers a better grasp of this complex economic topic.

Library Bound Book List: $26.23 / S&L: $20.98
eBook List: $26.23 / S&L: $20.98

Reading Level: 3

Interest Level: 3-5

Product type: Library Bound Book
ISBN: 978-1-5345-4403-1
Copyright: 2024
Language: English

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