Plant Parts

Roots, stems, and leaves are just some of a plant?s most important parts. Readers get a detailed look at these and other plant parts as they closely examine some of the world?s most interesting plants. Vibrant, full-color photographs of plants fill each page, and clear diagrams help readers gain a deeper understanding of the ways plant parts work together. These basic biology lessons are presented to early learners through age-appropriate text that is closely aligned with common science curriculum topics. What parts do plants use to make their own food? The answer is waiting for readers to discover!

Library Bound Book List: $26.23 / S&L: $20.98
eBook List: $26.23 / S&L: $20.98

Reading Level: 2

Interest Level: 2-4

Product type: Library Bound Book
ISBN: 978-1-5345-2070-7
Copyright: 2017
Language: English

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