Is Safety More Important Than Privacy?

Fears about terrorism and other safety concerns have been prevalent for decades, but recent advancements in technology have given law enforcement and national security officials the ability to monitor suspected criminals. Some people believe this is not only desirable, but necessary. Others worry about the ways this power could potentially be abused. The many angles of conflict between safety and privacy are presented to readers through compelling photographs and fascinating fact boxes that supplement the neutral main text. This informative reading experience allows readers to gain a deeper understanding of the arguments and formulate their own opinions.

Library Bound Book List: $26.23 / S&L: $20.98
eBook List: $26.23 / S&L: $20.98

Reading Level: 3

Interest Level: 3-5

Product type: Library Bound Book
ISBN: 978-1-5345-3659-3
Copyright: 2022
Language: English

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