Color Blindness

What is color blindness, and how does it affect a person's everyday life? Readers discover the answers to these questions and more as they follow a narrative about what it's like to live with color blindness and what it's like to have a friend who has this condition. Clear and concise text provides relatable examples, and fact boxes add helpful information. In addition, full-color photographs enhance this reading experience, which provides a valuable exercise in developing empathy and understanding different perspectives. The sensitive tone and age-appropriate language make this a valuable resource for young readers.

Library Bound Book List: $26.23 / S&L: $20.98
eBook List: $26.23 / S&L: $20.98

Reading Level: 2

Interest Level: 2-4

Product type: Library Bound Book
ISBN: 978-1-5345-3838-2
Copyright: 2022
Language: English

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