Bias in Education

Education plays an important role in shaping how young people come to understand the world around them. However, some argue that certain groups of students are not receiving the full benefit of education because of prejudice against them. This unequal learning experience may be based on race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, or religion—among other characteristics—that bias teachers and the educational system as a whole against these groups. This volume considers the role bias plays in education, how it became ingrained in the educational system, and potential solutions to reduce its impact on students and educators.

Library Bound Book List: $50.43 / S&L: $40.34
Paperback Book List: $34.80 / S&L: $27.85

Reading Level: 10-12+

Interest Level: 9-12+

Product type: Library Bound Book
ISBN: 978-1-5345-0984-9
Copyright: 2025
Language: English

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