(37-45 of 3716 results)


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  • Stormy

    Grades 1-3 8" x 8" 24

    Storms are a common kind of weather people like to watch, and readers discover what weather watchers learn in this engaging and educational ...

    Library Bound Book $23.10 $28.88
    eBook $23.10 $28.88
  • Hot

    Grades 1-3 8" x 8" 24

    As heat waves and record-breaking temperatures are becoming more common, young people might be curious about what causes increasing ...

    Library Bound Book $23.10 $28.88
    eBook $23.10 $28.88
  • Cold

    Grades 1-3 8" x 8" 24

    Cold weather can be fun—you can build snowmen, go ice skating outside, and drink hot cocoa while watching the snow fall. However, ...

    Library Bound Book $23.10 $28.88
    eBook $23.10 $28.88
  • Suki Sadness Has to Say Goodbye

    Grades K-3 8" x 8" 24

    Sometimes sadness can feel like a big monster inside of us, making everything hurt. In this relatable story, Suki Sadness really is a ...

    Library Bound Book $20.98 $26.23
    eBook $20.98 $26.23
  • Eddie Excitement Goes Too Far

    Grades K-3 8" x 8" 24

    What happens when we take our excitement a little too far? It can be too much of a good thing! Readers discover this as they follow along ...

    Library Bound Book $20.98 $26.23
    eBook $20.98 $26.23
  • Anya Anxiety Wants to Join In

    Grades K-3 8" x 8" 24

    Anxiety is an emotion that children feel but might find it challenging to describe or understand. As young readers follow the story of Anya ...

    Library Bound Book $20.98 $26.23
    eBook $20.98 $26.23
  • Albus Anger and the Argument

    Grades K-3 8" x 8" 24

    Anger can sometimes feel like a monster that wants to yell and roar and destroy whatever is in its path. However, there are healthier ways ...

    Library Bound Book $20.98 $26.23
    eBook $20.98 $26.23
  • Terrific Toys in the Past

    Grades 1-3 8" x 8" 24

    Readers are given a high-interest history lesson as they learn about some of the most popular and unique toys of the past. The engaging ...

    Library Bound Book $20.98 $26.23
    eBook $20.98 $26.23
  • Terrific Toys from Around the World

    Grades 1-3 8" x 8" 24

    Kids all over the world play with toys, but those toys don't all look the same! Readers explore the concept of global diversity in a ...

    Library Bound Book $20.98 $26.23
    eBook $20.98 $26.23
(37-45 of 3716 results)


Books per page:
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