Going to school is an experience most kids around the world share, but school often looks very different depending on what country you're ...
Playtime is important for kids around the world! Readers discover this as they explore what playing looks like in different countries. This ...
Shelter is a basic need for people around the world, but what do homes look like in different countries? Readers find out as they read ...
What's a food that's unique to where you live? Readers are invited to think about their answer to this question as they hear from kids in ...
Sound waves allow sounds to travel to our ears, but did you know they can also be used to find things when it's too hard to see? Sonar is ...
When we talk about sounds, we often describe them as loud or quiet and high or low. However, there are scientific ways to measure sound, ...
At a very early age, we learn that our ears are what we use to hear. But how does that actually work? Readers find out in this informative ...
It takes skill and artistry to make music. It also takes science! Readers discover the physics behind how instruments make music in this ...
Readers develop a deeper understanding of other cultures in these creative guides to global diversity, which are presented through the ...