The ocean fascinates readers of all ages. While young students may have an understanding of what oceans are, they may not be familiar with ...
Temperatures that can drop to -144 degrees Fahrenheit (-98 degrees Celsius) certainly are too harsh for most humans. However, some animals ...
When a storm blows in, young children may wonder what is going on. Early readers can find answers that spark continued curiosity with the ...
A summer day spent playing in the sunshine easily inspires smiles for young children. Early readers are at an age when they may just begin ...
Few things can be quite as delightful to children as the first snow of the season. However, curious kids might wonder why snow happens. ...
Rain can be both one of the most important and the most damaging weather events on Earth. Young readers are likely familiar with rain from ...
What exactly is sustainable living? People who aim to live in this way try to limit pollution, take care of water and air, and make ...
From wind power to solar power, there are so many renewable energy sources available today. Yet, fossil fuels are still the way most power ...
Recycling seems like an easy way to do good for planet Earth. Reusing items more than once is another practice many households can adopt to ...