Social media has undeniably changed the world. While people disagree about whether this change is mostly good or mostly bad, it's clear ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has completely altered the way people participate in society. Some of these changes are temporary, while others may ...
As Donald Trump's impeachment dominated the news for months, children have likely been hearing the term “impeachment” with little to no ...
Throughout the world, millions of people face food insecurity every day. Although the United States is a prosperous country, it is not ...
Some people have vocally opposed vaccines ever since they were first invented. In the 20th century, the anti-vax movement gained steam as ...
Microaggressions are brief, commonplace interactions with marginalized groups that convey a sense of hostility or disrespect toward that ...
Racism is woven into the history of the United States. But while some people think that it's just history and isn't necessary in today's ...
Even though readers may be too young to earn a wage, the issue of minimum wage affects many Americans to some extent. This book introduces ...
Earning a driver's license is a big moment for a teen. Many kids look forward to this life milestone. However, some people say that the ...