Climate Change

Some people are skeptical about climate change. According to many scientists, this threat to the environment is real. Readers explore the ways in which humans contribute to the problem of climate change, but they also learn how humans can work to stop this environmental crisis. Eye-catching fact boxes, a detailed glossary, and full-color photographs enhance readers' understanding of this important science curriculum topic and how it connects to current events. The age-appropriate tone introduces this serious issue in an accessible way that encourages young readers to think critically about their impact on the natural world.

Library Bound Book List: $26.23 / S&L: $20.98
eBook List: $26.23 / S&L: $20.98

Reading Level: 2-3

Interest Level: 2-4

Product type: Library Bound Book
ISBN: 978-1-5345-3033-1
Copyright: 2020
Language: English

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