Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a global issue, and this volume provides the necessary global perspectives about it. Readers will first examine global trends, including learning about trafficking in Europe, the Philippines, Iceland, Bosnia, South Africa, and Israel. Over the remaining chapters, readers will evaluate factors that contribute to it, strategies to reduce it, and how we can aid victims of trafficking. Essay sources include the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Integrated Regional Information Networks, Alasdair Fotheringham, Paidamoyo Muzulu, and Asumpta Lattus.

* Reviews *

Review: Human TraffickingGreenhaven Press has a hot print reference series to check out. Appropriate for high schoolers and general readers, the 'Global Viewpoints' series contains news and magazine articles, authoritative essays, and primary-source documents and will grow by eight to ten per year.Library Journal, March 15, 2009
eBook List: $52.45 / S&L: $41.96

Reading Level: 10-12+

Interest Level: 9-12+

Product type: eBook
ISBN: 978-1-4205-0857-4
Copyright: 2012
Language: English

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